Friday, November 23, 2012


Issue 122 is in the hands of the US Postal Service!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are enjoying this holiday season.  I would have had this issue out sooner, but some 'jerk' in a Toyota ran into me while I was on the sidewalk, knocked me to the ground and then hurriedly left the scene while I was looking for a bandage to stop the bleeding on my head.  I thought it was a minor injury until the uncontrollable convulsions started and I ended up in the emergency room at 3AM.  The hospital's CAT scan showed no serious brain damage (other than my love for old race cars).  As Gene Catoe said, "I surprised they even found a brain!"  Come to think of it, me too!  LOL  I apologize for the delay.  

The club magazine is YOUR magazine. Zap me photos (high res please) and articles on your car.  We'll work out any kinks and get you into the mag.

My heartfelt thanks to Bob Wenzelburger, Vic Young, Jeff Cryan and Charles Whetstone for their great photos and articles of both club, and non-club, cars and events.  I couldn't do the mag without them. 

NEWS:  Don Moyer is now the Race Director for all our racing events.  He owns and races the nationally famous  nostalgia Gasser called the 'Rebel Reaper'.  Besides being a die-hard GASSERguy with a garage filled with cars that would make you sick, Don is super nice and super fair.   Check out his article in Issue 122 about his new rules for Gassers.

Kurtis Hicklin is our new Event Director.  Kurtis and I met in Vegas back in 2004.  Have you ever met someone that you instantly trusted?  That was my experience of Kurtis.  I still fill the same way about him.  

OK, time to get back to wok on the next issue!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

ISSUE 122 is at the PRINTER!

November 15, 2012:  The FALL issue is at the printer.  Later than I would have liked, but after being kissed by a car and sent to the hospital, my schedule was somewhat delayed.  I'm doing good and feeling better now that 122 is at the printer.  Now it'll be up to the US Postal Service to get it to your mailbox.

Lots of great articles and event coverage in this issue, including:

  • FROM YOUR EDITOR                                                 
  • PEDAL TO THE METAL by James Schupp 
  • NELSON ANDREW’S HENRY J by Doug Smith 
  • SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY by Ron Updike 
  • 38 SPECIAL GASSER by Ron Updike            
  • LIKE FATHER, LIKE SONS by Mark & Bret Shaffer 
  • PETRIFIED WOODY by Ron Updike 
  • 2013 RACINGRULES by Don Moyer
  • ‘BIGAL’ CHERNIK by Bob Wenzelburger 
  • REVIVINGAGASSERLEGEND by Charles Whetstone 
  • CRUISING FOR A CURE by Ron Updike 
  • HOT ROD RANCH III by Vic Young 
  • HOT ROD RANCH Notes by Margarite Bedrosian 
  • DAN GARNER’S ‘33 by Jason Shireman 
Editor's Note:  You have time to send by mail or email photos of your car(s) and an article on them and you before the next issue.  High resolution photos work best.  Thanks,  Ernest