Wednesday, August 17, 2011


SUMMER 2011 (Issue 117) was put in the hands of the US Post Office this morning.  If your membership and address are current, look for it in your mailbox in the coming days.

DOUBLE COVERS!  I couldn't decide between Richie Coury's photo of Rocky and Bob Wenzelburger's wheelstand shot of Mike, so I went with both of them.  Definitely a 'collector copy'.

Coverage of the historic 10th Anniversary event includes: fun-to-read event stories by Dana Ford, Vic Young and Richie Coury; amazing photos by Bob Wenzelburger, David Miller, Richie Coury and Mario DuCre; and featured car articles and photos by Charles Whetstone.

My thanks again to Beaver Bob, Jack Olcott, Kurtis Hicklin, Gina 'GASSERGAL' Kozak, trophy-artist Ken McIntyre and all who attended for making the 10th Annual GASSER Reunion the best ever.  
